速報APP / 新聞與雜誌 / Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to

Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to



檔案大小:104 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to your world(圖1)-速報App

Glimpse brings real-time content from your favorite publications & social feeds directly to the face of your Apple Watch.

By setting Glimpse as your watch face, you can stay up to date on your world without having to open any apps on your phone or watch and without those annoying notifications. Just simply glance at your wrist!

-See a new image & headline with every flick of your wrist

-Select multiple channels at once for your Glimpse feed including Twitter, Tumblr, CNN, Time, Nat Geo, Pinterest, Reddit, Dribbble, 500px and more.

-All-New "Catch a Glimpse" Feature lets you save Glimpses to your phone! Simply screenshot the Glimpse on your Apple Watch by pressing the side button & crown simultaneously and a link to the full post will automatically be saved in your Glimpse app on your phone. It's magic!

Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to your world(圖2)-速報App

-Refreshes regularly to ensure a constant stream of new content

From the creators of Facer, the most popular watch face platform in the world with hundreds of thousands of smartwatch users today.


Open Glimpse app on iPhone for a quick, repayable installation video to show you exactly how to seamlessly sync Glimpse channels. Steps include:

-Open Apple Watch Companion App. Select Photo icon. Go to Synced Album and choose Glimpse

Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to your world(圖3)-速報App

-Select “Photo Album” watch face on your Apple Watch

-You should see the Glimpse logo on your watch. Note: Syncing images for the first time may take a few minutes. Until they sync you will see the “No Photos” image. Just be patient. The awesomeness is loading.

-Once you see the Glimpse logo, choose Yes on your iPhone

-Now, simply select the channels you’d like to see on your watchface. Accept the permissions and you’re all done. Enjoy!


Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to your world(圖4)-速報App

Support: glimpse-support@little-labs.com

Join our beta program: www.little-labs.com/products.html

About us: www.little-labs.com

Glimpse Watch Face - A little window to your world(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, Apple Watch